Installation with pipx

For regular end-users, I recommend using pipx to install the Actionista-Todoist command line apps:

$ pipx install actionista-todoist

If you don't have pipx installed, you can refer to the pipx installation guide. Briefly:

$ pip install pipx
$ pipx ensurepath

The last step will add ~/.local/bin to the PATH environment variable. Please make sure to close and restart your terminal/command prompt after installing pipx for the first time.

Known installation errors:

  • If you are using conda, there is a known issue where you receive an error, "Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:", when trying to install packages with pipx. If you get this error, please update your conda python and make sure you are only using the "defaults" channel, not "conda-forge".

Installation with pip

To install distribution release package from the Python Packaging Index (PyPI):

$ pip install -U actionista-todoist

Alternatively, install the latest git master source by fetching the git repository from github and install the package in editable mode (development mode):

$ git clone && cd actionista-todoist
$ pip install -U -e .


Once actionista-todoist package is installed, you need to obtain a login token from the todoist website: Log into your account, go to Settings -> Integrations, and copy the API token. (You can also go directly to the page:

Now run:

$ actionista-todoist-config --interactive

to set up the login token with your Actionista-Todoist installation. The API token is stored in ~/.todoist_token.txt. The actionista-todoist-config command will also create a default config file, ~/.todoist_config.yaml, which you can edit to change default sorting and printing format.

You can update your Todoist API token either by running:

$ actionista-todoist-config --token <your-token-here> --check-token

or by manually editing the file ~/.todoist_token.txt and place your token in here.